Top 10 Responsible New Pet Owner Actions

05.01.2017 12:56 PM Comment(s)

It is such an exciting (and maybe nervous) time getting a new pet. You've looked all over and contemplated what you want in a pet and what the perfect match might be for you and your family. There are so many things to consider when bringing your new pet home or preparing to. Here is an easy Top 10 To Do List for Responsible Pet Ownership:

  1. Perform an "Danger Inspection" of your house and property to see what safety shortfalls might exist for your new friend.
  2. Complete the Contact Us form at our website to set up a Meet n' Greet and establish a relationship with an ExecuPets Pet Care Specialist.
  3. Establish a relationship with an area Veterinarian Clinic
  4. Establish a relationship with a groomer.
  5. Establish a relationship with a trainer.
  6. Microchip your pet.
  7. Register your pet, depending on state and local ordinances and laws. Some pets need to be licensed and some even need liability insurance.
  8. Purchase Pet supplies such as toys for mind enrichment, combs, brushes, litter or other hygiene items. Also,  safety supplies such as a harness, leash, collar, pet carrier and car restraint. Finally, your pet's bed and/or bedding materials such as bed, blanket, or substrate (for small pets)
  9. Purchase a quality pet food and training treats from a reputable supplier.
  10. Purchase pet "health insurance"